Have you ever thought much about who invented drink coasters? Was it a carpenter who removed lots of water stains from furniture or a picky housewife who wanted to protect her home’s beautiful décor?
5 Celebrations That Coasters Make The Best Personalized Gifts
Friday, March 8, 2019 2:03:27 AM Asia/Singapore
Thinking About Personalizing Your Holiday Events? Here Are 7 Ways To Do It
Thursday, October 25, 2018 4:11:50 AM Asia/Singapore
Holiday planning is in full swing for planners and hostesses everywhere who are brainstorming with clients for ways to elevate their events by personalizing them. It does not take a huge budget or an over-the-top idea to stand out among the many family, neighborhood, and corporate events you will soon have to attend.
Are You Looking For Creative Ways To Personalize Your Next Event?
Thursday, August 23, 2018 1:03:32 AM Asia/Singapore
A true sign of a skilled host or hostess is the balance created between the hosts and the guests which is why personalized experiences become a primary focus to event planners